
The additional module DMS Distributed Monitoring System serves for the acquisition, display and storage of measured values in different places (e. g. heating cabinets). Example of a DMS-installation illustrated by diagram (in this case heating cabinets)

The DMS driver module gathers cyclically the measured data from each test station via the local network and passes them to the visualization of the DMS in CIQ 3.0. The visualization of the DMS offers the opportunity to monitor the incoming measured data per measuring channel on the receiver side. The visualization side contains a clear representation of the most import data of all configured devices. Among them status, busy times, target specifications, current values and defects.

DMS enables remote monitoring from other PCs by means of the local network. It is possible to install remote monitoring on every PC connected to the CIQ 3.0 data server.

The course of the measurements may be represented in charts and reports. Due to the concept of separation of device-specific driver on the one hand and visualization on the other hand, DMS reaches a high degree of flexibility. DMS may be configured specifically-tailored to the local conditions and individual requirements.

Rue de Neuchâtel 24
CH - 2022 Bevaix / Switzerland
Prämienstr. 9
D-52223 Stolberg