What CIQ 3.0 supports

Easy planning

  • CIQ 3.0 automates many procedures because it uses for similar products basic and product family inspection plans.
  • A comprehensive library of formulas based on international standards makes the generation of inspection plans much easier and more convenient.

Benefit: Dramatical simplification of inspection planning.

Optimal production

  • By online capturing of process data and visualizing the measured values, trends can be recognized at an early stage during production and corrective action can be taken before any defects occur.
  • Capturing the data in quasi real-time ensures that whenever a machine resumes production after having been stopped for alterations it immediately resumes production of the same high-grade material as before, reducing start-up losses.

Benefit: Material utilization is more efficient.

Efficient testing

  • CIQ 3.0 makes many manual intermediate tests superfluous, as the process data are continuously captured. This reduces the testing effort and cuts cycle times.
Benefit: Higher machine throughput rates and cost savings.

  • CIQ reduces the “human” factor. The operator receives clear instructions online and is relieved of administrative activities.

Benefit: Objective basis for decisions: clear tolerance limits for measured values, clear pass/fail results.

Automatic evaluation

  • CIQ 3.0 enables evaluations by most diverse criteria. For example, the production manager may use the data to gradually approximate closer to the allowable limits in order to fully exploit existing tolerances. The storage of data from all production stages and areas provides the quality assurance personnel with the necessary information to perform detailed weak point analyses.

Benefit: At the same time CIQ 3.0 cuts evaluation costs because many evaluation procedures can be automated.
(Automation of many evaluations reduces evaluation costs)

Quality documentation

  • CIQ 3.0 facilitates the establishment and maintenance of an exact and uniform documentation system. It generates documents such as reports, labels, e-mails and pdf-files.

Benefit : Traceability, if individual results caused a problem.

Optimization of processes

  • The archived data form the basis for a holistic, cross-plant analysis of weak points.
Benefit: CIQ 3.0 is an integral part of continuous optimization.

Rue de Neuchâtel 24
CH - 2022 Bevaix / Switzerland
Prämienstr. 9
D-52223 Stolberg