
We offer you a wide ranging portfolio of services including:

  • consultation
  • technical specifications, customer requirement specifications
  • project management
  • training
  • integration
  • turnkey projects
  • turnkey planning and development of individual solutions
  • service and support (e.g. support during running operation and software updates)

Technical Support

Even after installation and start-up you may rely on our best efforts. As a client with maintenance contract you have access to the latest software version (installation) and documentations.


The original installation and start-up of the system will be performed by AESA. New CIQ 3.0 software versions are offered on a regular basis and can be installed by the user. As the installation process is not complicated, on-site service by AESA is usually not required. However, if desired, AESA will take care of the installation. It goes without saying that all customer-specific configurations will remain unchanged. Configurations incorporating data servers can be implemented such that new software versions will be installed exclusively on the server. All workstations within the network will be automatically updated when the program is started the next time. CIQ 3.0 does not require any bulky external libraries. This largely prevents version problems caused by the installation of other programs.

Rue de Neuchâtel 24
CH - 2022 Bevaix / Switzerland
Prämienstr. 9
D-52223 Stolberg